Jessie…she’s a beautiful sixteen year old from a good family with high standards and morals. On the outside all is well, but in secret Jessie has developed a serious eating disorder in an effort to fit in.
John…he’s a bright eighteen year old who has been purposely cutting his arms on a daily basis to help overcome the emptiness he longs to be free from.
Bekka, she’s a depressed nineteen year old from a rural neighborhood and she ingests pain medication in an effort to ease her sadness over a broken relationship with her father.
Adam, he’s a handsome twenty year old that drinks daily to numb the pain and stress of daily life.
Does this situation sound familiar?
Could this be your son or daughter?
Are you worried they are experiencing a life controlling problem that is out of control?
It has been said that everyone on Earth needs at least one person that is crazy about them and here at Eastern Appalachian Teen Challenge we want to introduce your son or daughter to the one person that absolutely adores them…God! Our mission is to reconcile individuals experiencing life controlling problems back into a loving relationship with God, where freedom and healing can take place for both the individual and their family. There is hope!
Teen Challenge is for you!
“In my opinion Teen Challenge is doing the best all-around job of providing the kids with something meaningful in their lives, and that’s what they need.”
Art Linkletter